Page name: X-Men East 1st [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-03-20 14:23:44
Last author: ancienteye
Owner: Figgy
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Attached to the X-Men Center 1st, the easternmost section of the first floor's hallway is practically a mirror-image of the West Hall, though from here one can access the X-Men Media Room, go study in the X-Men Library or hang out in the X-Men Den. Tucked around the corner by a large bay window is also an elevator with a single destination: The expansive underground X-Men Garage.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

Atsila walked out of the library, a torn page in his hand that he was slowly setting ablaze, burning at a crawling pace on his palm. He walked slowly towards the center hall, waiting for Coral to appear behind him.

Coral appeared scant seconds later, hugging the damaged book to her chest. "Atsila! The books in the library are for everyone! If you want to burn paper, you should get some of your own!" As mom-cliche as it sounded, the fish-girl really did look more disappointed than angry as she chastised the fire entity. "I'll buy you some tomorrow if you want, but you can't destroy things you don't own."

"Why not?" Atsila asked. "No one else looks at the broken books. If they're just sitting there, why can't I burn them? I've been good all day long, I only burned one thing." He didn't sound defensive or whiny, more like a child who just wanted his toy. A rather pathetic child, but a child nonetheless.

"Well, some older books are kept even when they are damaged because they are rare or valuable. There could have only been a small amount printed or this one could have been signed by someone or have study notes," Coral held up the book so Atsila could see the cover, as though there was something miraculous about it, "or it could have been passed down to someone by a loved one and has a lot of really special memories attached. You can't really tell how valuable something is when it's not your own."

Now Atsila was looking at her like she was crazy. "Valuable? You humans are really strange, putting so much value in objects." The page in his hand finished burning and he turned away from the book being thrust in his direction, not caring to look at the temptation any longer. "I simply do not understand it at all."

"Hm...Do you understand buying things? If you buy something, you own it. If I buy something, I own it. If I buy something and give it to you--and I do not call it 'borrowing' or ask that it be returned--then it is yours. You may burn what is yours. Does that sound fair?" Coral hugged the book to herself again and blinked at Atsila, hoping he understood what she was saying.

"Buying? Borrowing?" These were new concepts to Atsila. He looked over at Coral and tilted his head. She was so full of information that he wanted to know, and that was a great thing since she was also his only real friend. "I understand owning. The shell owned the things in that room but I'm not supposed to burn them because they might still have use."

"Yes! And the book might be useful to someone, even if it is just to help them remember something that happened a long time ago," Coral hugged the book a little tighter. "If you want to burn paper, please just let me know and I'll try to get you some."

"I don't want to burn paper," Atsila said, his voice sounding far too reasonable. "It just has a quicker burn time and therefore is less dangerous than other things I might be able to start on fire." And there was his mixed up motive for starting the book on fire. Coral was a water creature and Atsila reasoned that she understood that being away from their elements could cause them harm. Atsila did try to go without burning anything for a day, afterwards he felt like his head was trying to rip open.

"Oh...Then you should have lots and lots of paper." Coral nodded to herself, understanding at least that he did not want to cause more harm than necessary. "There should be a storage of printer paper somewhere...It's a school after all! You can just take a couple of packets for now and I'll buy replacements!"

"Printer paper?" Atsila asked. "If they will allow it." He didn't know what she meant by printer paper, but if it kept people from getting too upset at him, he would do it. It also meant that he might have a supply of paper to burn that was his. That would be good too. "Where is the paper?" He momentarily forgot where they were headed to in his haste to go find the printer paper she had mentioned.

"Well...printer paper belongs with printers...So it should be in the room with all the computers!" Coral grinned and gestured to the X-Men Media Room. "C'mon! I bet they have a lot of extra packets of it in there!"

X-Men Center 1st
X-Men Media Room
X-Men Library
X-Men Den
X-Men Garage (Via Elevator)

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2012-09-30 [La Luna]: Sorry for the delay. I feel like I was run over by a truck.

2012-11-09 [Figgy]: No limbo! Fixing

2012-11-09 [Lirerial]: Sorry :p Forgot I hadn't gotten to where I was going

2012-12-21 [Duredhel]: Endelyn should've sent a horribly auto-corrected message.

2012-12-21 [Flisky]: That would have been hilarious.

2013-01-10 [Flisky]: Vlad got left in limbo?

2013-01-10 [The Black Goat]: Ohhh Roma........ where are you?

2013-01-10 [Flisky]: Vlad should post above where Tory's post is.

2013-01-10 [Roma]: Planning on it. Had to leave him in limbo because it was late and there was still so much to post.

2013-01-25 [Roma]: I'm not trying to go crazy with his telepathic powers here so if you feel anything is out of line, yanno, lemme know XD

2013-01-25 [The Black Goat]: Thank you =)

2013-01-25 [Figgy]: No prob

2013-01-25 [Figgy]: I'll post here later

2013-01-26 [The Black Goat]: =)

2013-01-29 [Figgy]: Sasaiya post?

2013-01-29 [The Black Goat]: Will tonight, just got home and sick

2013-01-30 [The Black Goat]: Sasaiya's eyes followed Rook as he slipped past the group, then moved back to Shana as she spoke and back to Miles for his short response. She could sense he was a little impatient for something, but what? "Miles?" The girl was interupted by Catherine poking her head out for one last quip about the party. Perhaps it wouldn't be all that bad if she went with Miles to the party. "Do you want to go? To the party that is."

2013-01-30 [Figgy]: Dude, how in the hell is Shana reacting wildly? XD Seriously.

2013-01-30 [Lepellier]: Just the seemingly exaggerated shoulder movements and...awww...fuck it, I'll just edit...

2013-01-30 [Figgy]: It's just like... Shana can't be slightly annoyed by being constantly interrupted without everyone else going "WTF IS WRONG WITH THAT GIRL OMG" XD

2013-01-30 [Duredhel]: Well she did SIGH and said; "Moving on.", she's clearly gone apeshit insane.

And earlier she asked who was setting up the festivities, the bitchiest thing said by anyone, ever in the history of mankind.


2013-01-30 [Lepellier]: Wow...thanks guys....I appreciate having my throat jumped down.

2013-01-30 [Figgy]: It wasn't completely directed towards you ;)

Also, make note of this, cause it happens EVERYTIME. I can't joke or nitpick without someone getting offended. Neither can Dur, it seems. Really XD Calm down, people.

Lep, we weren't attacking you, seriously XD

2013-01-30 [Duredhel]: No prob Lep, we love how well you can take a joke.

Regardless, it was a comment at everyone XD. People (in general) pick the weirdest stuff to react to. Like no one being surprised when they meet Casper the albino. I've never met an albino person, but when I do, trust me, i'm at least gonna go "Well this is interesting." in my head.

2013-01-30 [Lepellier]: I guess I've seen some strange things in reality. Like seriously, I've seen (And I kid you not) a blind Asian Albino...

But honestly, I do try to take jokes in stride as much as possible, but sometimes, it does feel a little harsh and condescending, and that's where this came from. Definitely felt more than a little directed.

2013-01-30 [Figgy]: Yeah but it doesn't mean your character would have seen it too. I know we always suggest putting yourself in that situation and having your character react similarly to the way in which you would, but sometimes you gotta think out of the box XD

And, we're sort of harsh/mean people :P

2013-01-30 [Lepellier]: For Nathan, seeing an albino probably wouldn't be too odd. There's actually a decent population of Albino students at the college around here (Yes, Nathan's from the same city that I live in.) The rest of them, I have no clue. lol. I just went with Aidan not saying much about Casper because he had already met Flame. Once you meet her, well, an albino doesn't seem too out of the ordinary.

2013-01-30 [Figgy]: That one definitely wasn't directed at you, though XD We're sort f referring to the girls (and, well, everyone else) at the front gate who just look at Casper and wave and go "How cute!" then go on about their lives like nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. XD We're just VERY nit-picky about good RPing, I think. This is a high-quality RP, so we want high-quality posts.

2013-01-30 [Flisky]: Wait until they meet Tim...

2013-01-30 [The Black Goat]: Miles....psst! *poke poke*

2013-01-30 [The Black Goat]: I've seen four african-american folks near base who are albino, but I do kind of puase and go wtf?

2013-01-30 [Lirerial]: Idk, I never had much of a reaction the first time I saw an albino person; that's why I didn't really think much of it.

2013-02-08 [Dwarf Ronin]: So, do I respond above or here, I'm confused.

2013-02-08 [Lirerial]: normally someone will move it up; sometimes I have to post here cause I'm using a tablet. I'll move it up right now since I'm on the computer at the moment lol

2013-02-09 [Dwarf Ronin]: Gotcha, just was curious :D

2013-03-03 [Duredhel]: You left Anthony in limbo, Evolution :/

2013-03-03 [Evolution X]: DAmn, sorry, knew there was something to do.

2013-03-20 [twitchboy]: go ahead and post Nathan and Justin's entry since you already stated you led him in lol

2013-03-20 [Lepellier]: Nathan hadn't gone in yet, but I'll go ahead and do so now. :D

2013-04-13 [Duredhel]: *waits*

2013-04-14 [The Black Goat]: Caleb smiled at her remark and let out a pseudo good natured chuckle. "Well we'll just have to see about that, won't we?" He stepped back when the lift arrived, "after you." He said, pausing to allow her to enter before him then coming in behind her and pressing the button to take them down to the x-men garage@wiki .

2013-04-14 [Duredhel]: Remember that when you post your character leaving an area, you need to immediately post him arriving in the next area so we don't get chars stuck in limbo :O. Always do those two posts one right after the other.

2013-04-16 [Figgy]: Dunno if you have Lillium posted here to run into René, but he probably won't invite her out till later, jsyk.

2013-04-16 [Evolution X]: awkward moment where Anthony's still standing in the other place talking about teleportation and no one can do anything yet ._.

2013-04-16 [Figgy]: Haha... ha

2013-04-16 [Haunted Fate]: No, I figured he wouldn't say something until later. Just wanted to give Lillium some interactions. xD

2013-04-19 [Ms. Steel]: ...noodge?

2013-04-19 [Flisky]: I thought I had forgot to post here. Then was all "wait...I posted last..." :P

2013-04-19 [Ms. Steel]: I zink it's Lep's turn, even though I guess it doesn't overly matter.

2013-04-20 [Lepellier]: You're right, it is... I just opened up this page and had to rush off the other day, and well, yeah... posting!

2013-04-24 [Figgy]: pokle

2013-04-25 [The Black Goat]: Damn I thought about having her call it in my last post lol

2013-05-02 [Figgy]: C'mon, guys, no limbo. You should know this -_-

2013-05-11 [twitchboy]: tim?

2013-05-11 [Figgy]: Past said she would post tonight.

2013-05-14 [The Past]: Give me until tomorrow to post (unless the day is going to be switched over that is), am violently ill and working of 4 hours sleep.

2013-05-15 [twitchboy]: i think the group just went by with the decorations we where looking for Tim lol

2013-08-25 [~Valkyrie~]: Sorry for the absence. I couldn't figure out how to connect to my in-laws' internet and they're both kind of technologically challenged.

2014-08-18 [Figgy]: Isabelle

2014-08-18 [The Black Goat]: Yepp yepp got her marked

2015-02-08 [Evolution X]: I'm not sure where to put brunelda... cause I didn't really get to play her much

2015-02-08 [Flisky]: You can really put her anywhere. ^_^

2015-03-03 [ancienteye]: ?

2015-03-20 [ancienteye]: ...Where would a printer be in this school? :o Or is there a supply closet?

2015-03-20 [Vhnori Valmos]: Id probably go to the library, thats where most places keep printers and paper

2015-03-20 [Flisky]: Media room, methinks.

2015-03-20 [ancienteye]: Well, we just came from the Library...and Coral's a bit absent-minded...

2015-06-10 [ancienteye]: XP

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